Our testing services are designed not only to find defects, we seek to make your application grow with ideas that can improve it.
Make sure your applications perform as expected!

Testing services
Our testing services are not only responsible for ensuring that your applications work, look and feel as you expect, but we also focus on understanding your market and the business rules around your application.
We seek to grow your application with new ideas and improvements in all aspects.

Our web testing service performs software testing that focuses on web-based systems, addressing issues before they reach the end user. The available tests we perform are: functionality, APIs, databases, regression, compatibility with different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices, performance and load times, among others.
Our mobile testing service performs software testing that focuses on reviewing functionality, stability, performance, security, OTA installations and updates, connectivity, etc., as well as testing portability to new versions of iOS and Android operating systems.
Through our framework, developed over more than 12 years, we define usage guides, good practices, components, and results that your development team will be able to solve.
With our usability tests we evaluate usability and user experience of systems and applications.We use different specific strategies to measure user interaction, analysing the results to improve or optimise the experience to ensure that products or services are easy to use, intuitive and efficient.
With our interface tests, we evaluate interfaces and all visual aspects of your applications and systems, regardless of the operating system
With our accessibility testing services, we evaluate usability of your website, application or digital product for people with disabilities.
We use international accessibility standards/norms and test the functionality of your sites or apps with different types of assistive technologies, ensuring that all users can access and use content effectively.
Our loyalty testing services cover 360° of your loyalty program, from reviewing the program’s business rules to carrying out testing processes focused on accrual, redemption, alliances, rewards, logistics and collateral operations throughout of 4 main components:
-Program administrator
-Partner CRM
-Point bank rules
-Redemption store

Nuestras soluciones específicas no solo se encargan de asegurar que tus aplicaciones funcionen como esperas, sino también entienden tu mercado y las reglas de negocio qué hay alrededor de dicha aplicación.

En conjunto organizamos lapsos de tiempos y entregables disponibles, con los hallazgos por niveles de criticidad.


Las personas involucradas suelen cometer errores, el proceso de testing previene esos errores en forma de defectos para que el usuario final no lo encuentre como fallas del sistema.
Entre más tarde se detecte un defecto en la aplicación, el costo e impacto aumentan para poder corregirlo.
Un proceso de testing mejora el tiempo de lanzamiento de tu proyecto con la seguridad de que tus requisitos fueron realizados.
La calidad del software es accesible gracias al testing, ayuda a garantizar que el software funcione adecuadamente antes de su lanzamiento al mercado.
Why is it necessary to test?
We take pride in our commitment to excellence.
“They did a great job of researching and contextualizing the technology we needed.”
“I would highlight their development capacity, methodology and service.”
“Garage always fulfilled the requirements in a timely manner and even provided an extra when requested.”

In the world of software, testing isn’t just necessary – it’s non-negotiable.